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Сайт — не занимается распространением и оценкой новых диет… (07.02.21)


Hi Rabbi.

Latest medical research indicates that humans, regardless of the nation they belong to, DO NOT supposed to consume lectins. A new word for many visitors of this excellent website. I've been reading yr columns for 20+ years. This new research in next few years is going to change this Civilization. It is so controversial to what medical doctors, dietitians, food industry, financial industry, big farma etc. were telling us what we can and cannot eat, that is going to COMPLETELY change the way humans perceive what they eat in coming years. No more grains, beans, nuts, nightshades, dairy and many others. I've been suffering from chronic pain disorder for years, there was no hope, doctors know nothing about fibromyalgia or chronic pain disorder. Nowadays, there are more than 200 illnesses have been linked by scientists to consumption of lectins, 1/3 of them are cancers, 1/3 of them mental disorders, the rest are cardio, blood vessels, diabetes, stomach, guts, bones, joints etc. I switched to a not lecting diet 2 years ago and I've lost 65 kilos of weight (without ANY problems or suffering. On the contrary I've enjoyed what I ate and how much I ate (a lot!) and ALL of my problems are GONE! as well as Hundreds of thousands of people who took this diet. There was NOT a SINGLE CASE of non-positive result on people on this diet across the globe. A man behind the research is Dr. Steven Gundry with his book The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain. New York: Harper Collins. ISBN 9780062966629.I am 60 now and I feel like 30-year-old man and my 40+ friends of all ages and genders from 10 to 82 are feeling so much better than before that they cannot still believe that they‘ve changed their lives forever. As a human, I cannot sit and watch how people are suffering in life not knowing that the cure is behind the corner. Its not a joke, its not me trying to sell a product, it's what Hashem meant we supposed to do - help others.

Dear Rabbi, what would be your or other scholars take on this. It does go a VERY LONG WAY away from Kashrut and other sources.

С уважением?



Спасибо за позитивную оценку нашей работы.

Что же касается сути дела - наш сайт, подчеркну, не занимается распространением сведений и оценкой тех или иных новых диет.

Рекомендую обращаться к источникам информации, которые на этом специализируются.

Автор текста Элиягу Эссас


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